Reasons To Have Funeral Obituary Programs
Funeral directors or homes may charge you quite a bit of money if you want them to assist you to write funeral programs. If you are on a tight budget and don't have the money to spend, you can write your own program. This will allow you to even add any personal touches you want. Knowing how to go about it will help you through the process.
Consider the information that you want to include in the program. There are different kinds of information you may choose to include. This includes the deceased's biography, photos, poems, songs, order of service and scripture messages. Try to keep the program short and simple.
Come up with a layout for the leaflet. The layout should present the information in the most appealing way and not look overcrowded. You don't have to choose a complex design, something simple made using free software will work just fine.
Use a quality picture of the deceased. Go through any of their recent photos and find one that has been professionally taken. Ideally, find a photo which was taken while they were on their own and not in a group. This will remove the need to crop the photo.
Talk to close family members of the deceased and get their views about the program. Ask them if they had anything in specific in mind. You may have to add or remove information from the program, depending on what their wishes are.
When writing funeral programs, always remember to proofread it before you print. Check for any grammar errors and design mistakes. If possible, have one or two more people proofread it too. Then print the program on high quality paper. Make enough copies, depending on the number of people who will attend.