What You Should Know When Caring For Bronze Plaques
The bronze headstone has become an increasingly popular choice at cemeteries because of the durability it offers and beautiful designs. It is often located on a marble or granite base and although an expensive creation, it provides aesthetic solutions and longevity. Bronze Plaques require specific techniques to ensure that it remains well maintained and delivers maximum weather resistance.
There are multiple layers that cover the metal including a solid coat that will minimize the possibility of deterioration when exposed to the elements. With time, the protective coat will begin to wear away and should be maintained to ensure that the raw metal does not become damaged. The cemetery may provide regular maintenance.
A plaque can be maintained by developing a water based mixture. The aim is to create a solution with a small amount of ivory soap in a medium sized bucket of water. A scrubbing brush can be used to eliminate the dirt and the dust that have accumulated on the surface areas.
The scrubbed surface can be cleaned with water and excess particles eliminated. A solution of distilled water is needed to eliminate chemicals and prevent against the possible of a reaction. A soft cloth should be applied to the area to aid in the removal of moisture and to eliminate the soap from the surface areas.
A number of methods are available to aid in achieving aesthetically pleasing results. Wax may be applied to the surface of the metal to assist in protecting the structure. This will ensure that the metal does not become tarnished and will not deteriorate with exposure to harsh weather conditions.
A bronze plaque is certainly one of the most beautiful designs as a memorial. If any deterioration is detected, it should be addressed with wax and a thorough polish to prevent further deterioration and unattractive results. With the right type of care, it is possible to maintain the appeal and form of these stones.