Basic Details To Expect When Considering Gifts For Funeral Service
Creativity and modern ideas combine to move beyond the traditional flowers as gifts for funeral services, branching into a host of original and unique sentiments. Choose something that reflects your relationship with the deceased and the grieving family and show your support with one of these alternative gifts.
You may find suggestions for In lieu of flowers gifts posted by the family. Ask at the funeral home or read through the obituary to get direction on charitable donations and other financial gifts. Show your support to the designated organization and present a card to the grieving family.
Consider supporting the grievers with a gift of food. Prepared meals, restaurant gift cards and snacks on hand help the family to make it through the difficult initial grieving time. This can be a one-time gift or an ongoing blessing, depending on the type of food. Fill their freezer with nutritious options and always keep allergies and tastes in mind. Be sure to include instructions for storage and reheating.
Planting a tree or setting up a new park bench in honor of the lost loved one provides a lasting memento and ideal gift. Go through your memories for an appropriate location or simply present the grieving family with a certificate detailing the gift and follow up at a later date to confirm the location.
Photographs and art allow the grieving family to refresh their memories and you may have access to unique photos and visual memories. Spend the time to sort through your photographs and have a special shot or collection of shots framed to present to the grieving family. Hiring an artist to paint or pencil sketch the photo is also a nice gesture.
Some funerals gifts do not need to cost any money. Consider donating your time or skills to help out the grieving family. Lawn cutting, house cleaning, snow shoveling, home repairs and any other service that you can provide allow the grievers more time to heal. Write out your intentions in a card or simply show up and offer the services, depending on your relationship with the grieving family.
There are many funeral gifts to consider besides the traditional flowers. Be creative and opt for an alternative if it suits you and the grieving family.